How Much Does It Cost to Use A Furnace Repair in Magnolia, TX?

If your furnace is having issues, it’s important to address the problem as soon as possible. A broken furnace can not only be a major inconvenience, but it can also pose a serious safety hazard. That’s why it’s always best to call in a professional when your furnace needs repairs. But how much will those repairs cost?

The cost of furnace repair in Magnolia, TX will depend on a few factors, including the type of repair needed and the make and model of your furnace. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $75 to $200 for simple repairs. More complex repairs may cost more, sometimes upwards of $500.

Of course, the best way to avoid costly repairs is to keep your furnace well-maintained. This means having it serviced by a professional at least once a year, and more often if you have an older furnace. By catching problems early, you can often avoid the need for major repairs altogether.

If you do find yourself in need of furnace repair or want to know the heat pumps cost in Tomball, TX, be sure to call a reputable company with experience servicing all makes and models of furnaces. That way, you can be sure your furnace is repaired properly and safely, and that the repairs will last.

Wrightway Comfort is an HVAC company that services the greater Houston area, including Magnolia, TX. We have several years of experience in the industry, and our team of NATE-certified technicians is equipped to handle any repair or maintenance job, no matter how big or small. We also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our work, so you can be sure you’re making the best decision for your home and your budget.

To learn more about our furnace repair services or furnace installation near Cypress, TX, give Wrightway Comfort a call today at 346-202-5101 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you keep your home comfortable all winter long!

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5 Furnace Maintenance Tips for Tomball, TX homeowners!

As a Tomball, TX homeowner, you know how important it is to keep your furnace in good working order. After all, you rely on it to keep your home warm and comfortable during the colder months.

Unfortunately, many homeowners neglect their furnaces until there’s a problem. But by then, it’s often too late and expensive to fix.

The good news is that furnace maintenance in Tomball, TX is relatively easy and inexpensive. By taking some simple steps now, you can avoid costly repairs or even replacements down the road.

Here are 5 furnace maintenance tips for Tomball, TX homeowners:
1. Change Your Filter Regularly

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your furnace is to change your filter regularly. Depending on the type of filter you have, you may need to change it as often as every month or two.

A clogged filter not only reduces the efficiency of your furnace, but it can also cause it to overwork and break down prematurely. So be sure to check your filter monthly and change it when necessary. If left unchecked, it can result to expensive furnace repairs in Spring, TX.

2. Keep Your Vents Unobstructed

Another important thing to do is to keep your vents unobstructed. If your vents are blocked by furniture or other objects, it can restrict the flow of air and put unnecessary strain on your furnace.

3. Schedule Annual Maintenance

It’s also a good idea to schedule annual maintenance for your furnace. This involves a professional inspection and tune-up of your furnace to ensure that it’s in good working order.

During a maintenance visit, your technician will clean the furnace and make any necessary repairs. This can help prolong the life of your furnace and prevent future problems. If you are planning for a new furnace installation, you can enquire about the furnace installation cost in Tomball, TX.

4. Monitor Your Energy Bills

One way to tell if your furnace is running efficiently is to monitor your energy bills. If you notice a sudden increase in your heating costs, it could be an indication that your furnace is not operating as efficiently as it should be.

5. Listen for Strange Noises

Another thing to be aware of is strange noises coming from your furnace. If you hear banging, screeching, or any other unusual sound, it’s best to call a professional for an inspection.

These are just a few of the things you can do to keep your furnace in good working order. By taking these steps now, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements down the road. Contact Wrightway Comfort at 346-202-5101 to schedule an appointment.

Tips for Air Conditioning Maintenance in Cypress, TX!

It’s no secret that air conditioning units don’t come cheap. In addition to the initial investment, there are also ongoing costs for things like electricity and repairs.

That’s why it’s so important to take good care of your AC unit. With proper air conditioning maintenance in Cypress, TX, you can extend its lifespan and avoid costly repairs down the line. Here are some tips for air conditioning maintenance:

1. Change the filters regularly

One of the most important things you can do for your AC unit is to change the filters regularly. Depending on the type of unit you have, the recommended interval can vary from once a month to once a year.

2. Clean the coils

The coils in your AC unit can get dirty over time, which can impact its efficiency. To clean the coils, simply use a soft brush or cloth to remove any dust or debris. When you have recently performed AC replacement in Magnolia, TX, you will want to especially pay attention to this task.

3. Inspect the ductwork

Another important part of air conditioning maintenance is inspecting the ductwork. If there are any leaks or holes, they should be repaired as soon as possible.

4. Schedule annual tune-ups

Finally, it’s a good idea to schedule an annual tune-up for your AC unit. This is a thorough inspection that can identify any potential problems before they become major repairs. AC installation in Woodlands, TX, usually provides a free first-year tune-up, so be sure to take advantage of that.

5. Check the thermostat

The thermostat is an important part of the AC unit, and it’s important to make sure that it is working properly. One way to do this is to test it with a multimeter. If the reading is off by more than a few degrees, then it’s time to replace the thermostat.

6. Lubricate the moving parts

Another important task for air conditioning maintenance is to lubricate the moving parts. This includes the blower motor, condenser fan motor, and evaporator fan motor. You can use standard household oil for this purpose.

Following these tips for air conditioning maintenance will help you keep your unit in good shape for many years to come.

Contact Wrightway Comfort at 346-202-5101 for more information.
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FAQ About AC Repair in Conroe, TX

If you have an air conditioner that needs repair, you may be wondering how much it is going to cost. This FAQ will help you understand the average cost of AC repair in Conroe, TX, and what factors can influence the price.

Q: How much does AC repair cost?

A: The average cost of AC repair is $200-$500. However, the exact cost will depend on the type of repair needed and the complexity of the repair.

Q: What are some common AC repairs?

A: Some common AC repairs include replacing the air filter, cleaning the coils, and fixing leaks. These repairs typically cost $100-$250.

Q: What does the AC installation cost?

A: The AC installation cost in Conroe, TX is $500-$1,500. The exact cost will depend on the size of your unit and the complexity of the installation.

Q: What is the most expensive AC repair?

A: The most expensive AC repair is usually replacing the compressor. This repair can cost $500 or more. When you schedule air conditioner repair in Woodlands, TX, our technicians at Wild Water Plumbing will diagnose the problem and give you an estimate for the repair before any work is done.

Q: Are there ways to prevent AC repairs?

A: Yes, there are several ways to prevent AC repairs. First, make sure to regularly change your air filter. Second, have your AC unit serviced by a professional at least once a year. And third, be proactive about fixing any leaks promptly. By taking these preventive measures, you can avoid costly repairs down the road.

Need AC repair in Conroe, TX? Schedule an appointment with Wrightway Comfort today! We’ll diagnose the problem and give you an estimate for the repair. Our experienced technicians are here to help keep your AC unit running smoothly all summer long.

Contact Wrightway Comfort at 346-202-5101 for more information. We look forward to serving you!
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3 Signs You Need an AC Maintenance Service in Cypress, TX!

It’s officially summertime and that means it’s time to start thinking about your air conditioner. After all, you don’t want to be caught in the heat wave without a working AC unit! But how can you tell if your AC unit is in need of some maintenance? Here are 3 signs that it’s time to call in a professional for AC maintenance service in Cypress, TX:

1. Your AC unit is more than 10 years old

If your AC unit is more than 10 years old, it’s definitely time for some maintenance. Even if it’s been working fine up until now, it’s important to have a professional check it out to make sure everything is still in good working order. Parts can start to wear out and break down over time, so it’s better to be safe than sorry! The AC maintenance cost in Magnolia, TX, and surrounding areas is very reasonable, so there’s no excuse not to call in a professional.

2. Your energy bills have been increasing

One of the first signs that your AC unit needs maintenance is an increase in your energy bills. If you’ve noticed that your bills have been going up even though you haven’t been using the AC unit any more than usual, it’s definitely time to call in a professional. There could be something wrong with the unit that is causing it to use more energy than it should.

3. The AC unit isn’t cooling your home evenly

Another sign to schedule AC maintenance or AC repair in Woodlands, TX is if it’s not cooling your home evenly. If you’ve noticed that some rooms are much hotter than others, it means that the AC unit isn’t working as efficiently as it should be. This is a problem that a professional will be able to fix easily.

If you are noticing these signs, contact Wrightway Comfort at 346-202-5101.

Benefits of air conditioning tune up in Conroe, TX!

It’s always a good idea to keep your air conditioning system in top condition. A well-maintained AC unit will function more efficiently, use less energy, and last longer than one that isn’t properly cared for. One of the best ways to ensure that your AC unit is running at peak performance is to have it regularly serviced by a qualified HVAC technician.

An annual air conditioning tune-up in Conroe, TX will help to prolong the life of your AC unit and prevent costly repairs down the road. During a tune-up, our technician will thoroughly inspect your unit and perform any necessary maintenance tasks. This includes cleaning the coils, checking Freon levels, testing the thermostat, and more.

A properly maintained AC unit will not only last longer, but it will also run more efficiently. This means lower energy bills for you and less of a strain on the environment. If you’re looking for ways to save money and be more eco-friendly, an annual AC tune-up is a great place to start.

If you have a ductless mini-split system in Tomball, TX, an AC tune-up is still a good idea. Although these systems don’t have coils that need to be cleaned, they do require other maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the filters and checking the Freon levels.

No matter what type of air conditioning system you have, it’s important to have it regularly serviced by a qualified HVAC technician. A well-maintained AC unit will save you money in the long run and keep your home comfortable all summer long. Air conditioning installation in Montgomery, TX is a great way to keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long. 

Wrightway Comfort is a leading provider of air conditioning tune-ups in the Conroe, TX area. Our highly trained and experienced technicians are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our customers. We offer a wide range of AC services, including tune-ups, repairs, installations, and more. Call Wrightway Comfort at 346-202-5101 for more information.

Benefits of installing mini split AC in Montgomery, TX!

As the temperatures in Montgomery, TX start to rise, so does the importance of having a functional and efficient air conditioning system. If your AC is on its last legs or you don’t have one at all, now is the time to consider installing a mini split AC in Montgomery, TX. Not only are mini splits much more energy-efficient than traditional AC units, but they also provide a number of other benefits that make them worth the investment.


1. Cost savings: Mini split ACs are very energy-efficient, which means they’ll help you save money on your monthly energy bills. The AC services cost in Tomball, TX for a mini split installation is also very reasonable, making it a great option for those on a budget.

2. Improved air quality: Mini splits circulate fresh air from outside, which can significantly improve the indoor air quality in your home. This is especially beneficial for those with allergies or asthma. By scheduling AC maintenance near me, you can keep your mini split AC running efficiently and effectively.

3. Discreet design: Unlike traditional AC units, mini splits are very discreet and can be mounted on walls or ceilings. This makes them a great option for homes with limited space.

4. Flexible cooling options: With a mini split AC, you can cool specific areas of your home rather than the entire space. This allows you to save energy and money by only cooling the rooms that you’re using.

5. Easy to install: Mini split ACs are relatively easy to install, especially when compared to other types of AC units. This makes them a great option for those who want to avoid the hassle and expense of hiring a professional.

If you’re looking for an efficient and affordable way to cool your home this summer, then a mini split AC is a great option. With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why mini splits are becoming increasingly popular in Montgomery, TX. For more information about mini split AC installation, contact an experienced AC contractor near you. Contact Wrightway Comfort at (346) 202-5101 for more information. 

A complete guide about air conditioner replacement in Tomball, TX!

air conditioner replacement in Tomball, TX,

Replacing your air conditioner is a big decision. Not only do you have to choose the right model for your home, but you also have to make sure it’s installed correctly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about air conditioner replacement in Tomball, TX, from choosing the right unit to hiring a qualified technician.

When it’s time to replace your air conditioner, the first thing you need to do is choose the right unit for your home. There are a few factors to consider when making your decision, including the size of your home, the climate you live in, and your budget. Once you’ve chosen the perfect unit for your needs, it’s time to find a qualified technician to install it.

There are a few things to keep in mind when hiring an air conditioner replacement technician. First, make sure they’re licensed and insured. Second, check their references and reviews. And third, get a written estimate before work begins. Also, see whether they are available for an air conditioner repair emergency in Houston, TX.

Once you’ve found the perfect technician, it’s time to get your air conditioner replacement project underway. The technician will first assess your current unit and make sure it’s properly sized for your home. They’ll then remove your old unit and install your new one. Once the installation is complete, they’ll test it to make sure it’s working properly.

That’s it! Now you know everything you need to know about air conditioner replacement in Tomball, TX. If you have any further questions, or if you need help finding a qualified technician, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always happy to help!

Wrightway Comfort provides a reasonable quote when you request for AC maintenance cost in Montgomery, TX. Call us today at (346) 202-5101 for all your HVAC needs!

Benefits of Heater Service in Montgomery, TX!

Heater Service in Montgomery, TX!

A heater is a household appliance that is used to create heat in a room. There are many different types of heaters, but the most common type is the electric heater. Heaters can be used to keep a room warm in the winter, or to cool it down in the summer. Heater service is important for keeping your heater running efficiently and safely. Here are some of the benefits of heater service in Montgomery, TX regularly. 

1. Heater service can help your heater run more efficiently: A heater that is not serviced regularly can be less efficient and use more energy. This can result in higher utility bills.

2. Heater service can help your heater run safely: A heater that is not serviced regularly can be dangerous. The filters and parts of the heater can become clogged, which can cause the heater to overheat. A qualified technician can clean and inspect your heater to make sure it is running safely. Schedule heater maintenance in Houston, TX for additional benefits. 

3. Heater service can help extend the life of your heater: A heater that is not serviced regularly may last for only a few years, while a heater that is serviced regularly may last for many years. Having your heater serviced on a regular basis can help you save money in the long run.

4. Heater service is a good way to prevent problems from happening: By having your heater serviced regularly, you can catch small problems before they turn into big problems. A qualified technician arriving for heater repair in Magnolia, TX can inspect your heater and fix any minor problems before they become major problems.

5. Heater service is important for your peace of mind: If you are worried about the safety of your heater, or if you are concerned about your utility bills, having your heater serviced regularly can help ease your mind. A qualified technician can inspect your heater and make sure it is running safely and efficiently.

Heater service is an important part of taking care of your home heating system. By having your heater serviced regularly, you can ensure that it will run safely and efficiently, and you can prevent costly problems from happening. Contact a qualified technician today to schedule a heater service appointment. Call Wrightway Comfort today at (346) 202-5101 for more information.

Importance of Indoor Air Quality Services in Spring, TX!

Indoor Air Quality Services in Spring, TX!

If you are someone who spends most of their time indoors, then it is important to take care of the air that you breathe inside. The quality of indoor air can be affected due to several reasons that occur within your home or work environment. And if you have asthma or some other respiratory illness, it becomes even more important for you to ensure that the air you breathe inside is safe. If you are not sure why it is important to check the air quality of your home or office, here are some reasons that make it necessary for you to consider indoor air quality services in Spring, TX:

1. You are spending time indoors

Remember, you are spending most of your life indoors. Those who are living in highrise buildings spend long hours inside their homes, either because they have to or simply because they want to. Even if you live in a bungalow or a house that is surrounded by trees, you can’t escape the air that you breathe inside, simply because you are spending most of your time indoors. If you are not sure why it is important to check the air quality of your home or office or why should you consider dehumidifier installation in Tomball, TX, this is one reason that makes it necessary for you to do so.

2. The quality of the outdoor air is not good enough anymore

The pollution levels in many cities around the world have increased to a level where it is going to take a long time before they can decrease to a safe range. This means that your home or office air could be clean, but still not good enough for you because of how polluted the outside air has become. The air handler cost in Tomball, TX is one of the factors you need to consider if you want to make sure that your home or office air is really clean and healthy for you and everyone else to breathe. Call Wrightway Comfort at (346) 202-5101 for more information.