Noticing Major Air Conditioning Repair in Tomball TX

Air conditioning repair in Tomball TX

Air conditioner leak is one of the very common problems experienced in most households. Many reasons could cause a leak in your air conditioner. Hiring a trustable technician for air conditioning repair in Tomball TX is necessary to get the leak rectified. Are you eager to know the different causes for your air conditioner leak? We have given below some of the common reasons that cause a leak in the air conditioner.

  1. The condensate drain in the air conditioner is responsible to clear out the water formed due to evaporation. This condensate drain being blocked with dust and dirt could cause the unit to leak water. Excess deposition of rust, dirt, algae, and debris would cause clog in the drain. Such issues need AC services in Tomball TX.
  2. When the outdoor temperature is cold and you are running the air conditioner to cool the place more, it could cause the evaporator coil to freeze. This causes the air conditioner to leak water. Make sure not to operate the air conditioner when the external temperature is below sixty degrees.
  3. The problem can sometimes be at the time of installation but the problem is shown later. Installation of the air conditioner when not done correctly, it could cause the drain line to loosen. Leaving it unnoticed could cause the drainpipe to be disconnected from the unit completely causing water leakage.
  4. When the condensate pump of the air conditioner is broken, excess water runs out to the condenser pan. With excess water leaked, the condensate pan will start to fill leading to an overflow. Ensure to hire a professional for AC repair in Tomball TX to clear the condensate pump problem.
  5. The refrigerant liquid in the air conditioner is responsible for cooling the air in the place. But this refrigerant level is too low could cause the coil of the air conditioner to freeze. This could cause the water to leak in the pan leading to condensate pan overflow.
  6. When the air filter is dirty, it prevents the evaporator coil to have the normal ventilation needed eventually causing the coil to freeze. As this ice is melted, the leak is caused in the unit. Even a properly functioning air conditioner could cause leaks due to condensation at times.

When any of the water leak problems are experienced, having it checked by a professional is best instead of trying it yourself. One best professional in Tomball TX is Wrightway Comfort. Call (832)772-5642 for more information.

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